Amazon is giving away 20 games for free this month!

 Amazon Prime Gaming is offering 20 free games to its subscribers in February. Including titles like BioShock Infinite, Deus Ex and Wolfenstein.

Amazon is getting ready to delight gamers in February with its Prime Gaming service offered exclusively to Prime subscribers. Targeting PC gamers, the campaign offers 20 games for free across genres and platforms.

Amazon Prime Gaming February free games

Prime Gaming's February list includes many games. From cult favorites like BioShock Infinite: Complete Edition to cult favorites like The Talos Principle: Gold Edition to puzzle titles like The Talos Principle: Gold Edition.

One of the most notable features of this month's list is that games will be available for a long period of time, not just for a short time. Many games that have been available in the past few months are still available for purchase. This gives Prime subscribers access to more games over time.

Games are distributed through different platforms such as GOG, Amazon Games App, Epic Games Store and Microsoft Store. This allows each player to use the platform of their choice.

BioShock Infinite: Complete Edition, Surf World Series, AK-xolotl: Together, Sands of Aura, and The Talos Principle: Gold Edition are already available. The other games will be gradually rolled out over the coming weeks until the end of February.

Prime Gaming February free games

BioShock Infinite: Complete Edition (GOG)
Sörf Dünya Serisi (Amazon Oyun Uygulaması)
AK-xolotl: Birlikte (Epic Games Store)
Aura'nın Kumları (Epic Games Store)
The Talos Principle: Gold Edition (GOG)
13 Şubat'ta açılacak:

Stunt Kite Party (Amazon Oyun Uygulaması)
Şirinler 2: Yeşil Taşın Tutsağı (GOG)
Hardspace: Shipbreaker (Epic Games Store)
Lysfanga: Zaman Kayması Savaşçısı (Epic Games Store)
Karanlık Gökyüzü (GOG)
20 Şubat'ta açılacak:

Wolfenstein Youngblood (Microsoft Store)
El Hijo: Bir Vahşi Batı Masalı (Epic Games Store)
Colt Canyon (GOG)
Republic of Jungle (Epic Games Store)
Kraliyet Romansları: Cursed Hearts (Legacy Games [Bu platform, diğerlerinden farklı olarak, oyunları kendi istemcisi üzerinden sunuyor. Muhtemelen bir kod ile aktive edilecek.])

27 Şubat'ta açılacak:

Deus Ex: İnsan Devrimi (GOG)
Night Reverie (Amazon Oyun Uygulaması)
Sine Mora EX (Amazon Oyun Uygulaması)
Redemption Reapers (Epic Games Store)
Evet, Majesteleri (GOG)

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